Um auf das erste Exemplar des Fontus Airo einzugehen versetzt man sich in die Lage eines Mountain-Bikers in den Bergen, denn Airo wird . FONTUS AIRO WILL SAVE YOU TROUBLE, WEIGHT AND MIGHT EVEN SAVE YOUR LIFE. WHETHER YOU ARE HIKING IN THE MOUNTAINS, CAMPING BY .
I will never go on an adventure without one! Fontus creates WATER out of light and air. Join us in making this vision come to life! Geht es nach dem österreichischen Startup Fontus, dürften leere Wasserflaschen bei Radtouren oder Bergwanderungen schon bald der .
Fontus ist eine Wasserflasche, die in der Lage ist, Wasser aus Luft herzustellen. Airo ist das Standardmodell für Wanderer und Outdoor-Fans. B) Fontus made a solar panel 10times more efficient than is average.
Fontus and Airo are water bottles that are capable of filling themselves up. Dave does basic back-of-the-envelope thermodynamic calculations to prove the Fontus Airo Ryde self.
The system is powered by a connected solar panel. Fontus is a self-filling water bottle for your bicycle. This device collects the moisture contained in the air, condenses it and stores it as safe drinking water.
In addition there’s a new Fontus version: a stand-alone bottle for those who make outdoor excursions without a bike. Fontus self-filling water bottle – Awesome. A portable gadget known as Fontus is designed to convert humidity in the air into drinkable water. Neben dem Modell fürs Fahrrad meldete der Erfinder auch die Variante „Fontus Airo“ zum Patent an. SCHLEUDER Pocket-Shot – Schnell, Stark, Präzise.
The Fontus Water Bottle may have been debunked as a scam after. You’re out having adventures when you run out of water miles from a source. The Fontus water bottle eliminates the problem, as it . A solar panel is powers a series The Fontus Airo is a self-filling water bottle with a built-in fan The Airo has a sleeve that doubles as a solar .