Informationen zu Schlauch- und Gewindegrößen.
Schläuche und Anschlüsse werden im Motorsport in der Regel in Dash-Größen . To maximise your experience with The Dash it is important that it is inserted and fitted correctly in your ears.
This is referred to as PerfectFit by Bragi. Interpretation of hose and tube dash sizes. Typically riders will find there is a 1-week period before your body will adapt to the change in position and saddle surface.
Here’s a quick video showing how to fit other sized sleeves onto The Dash and how they look. Wiederverwendbarer Anschluss aus Aluminium mit UNF-Gewinde (Dash-System) und 360° Drehausgleich. Damit ist es möglich Leitungen nach individuellen . Most fluid piping system sizes are measured by dash numbers. Billet coolant temperature sensor dash adapter fitting by Integrated. This coolant dash adapter is fit for a coolant sensor port.
The AN thread is a particular type of fitting used to connect flexible hoses and rigid metal tubing.
Anodised colour coded wrenches sized to fit the swivel nuts on hose ends.