Sie verlängert die Akkulaufzeit und verbessert das Nutzererlebnis, indem sie die . Längere Akkulaufzeit für Smartphones mit Snapdragon-Prozessor verspricht die Gratis-App Snapdragon BatteryGuru. Snapdragon BatteryGuru von Chip-Hersteller Qualcomm soll dem Akku Ihres Android-Smartphones einen zusätzlichen Kick verleihen.
By combining power-efficient computing strength with groundbreaking battery life, a Snapdragon processor helps your mobile device to do more. Snapdragon BatteryGuru kann kostenlos im Play Store heruntergeladen werden. Die App ist MB groß – vorausgesetzt wird neben . Choose one of the server location above to start to download the apk file for Snapdragon BatteryGuru, move the apk file to your Android phone’s SD card and .
Extend the battery life of your device with Snapdragon Battery Guru for Android. Having a smartphone is great in many levels but one of the most common cons . Qualcomm präsentiert eine eigene Android-App, die bei Smartphones und Tablets mit Snapdragon-Prozessor die Akkulaufzeit verlängern soll. Snapdragon BatteryGuru lernt also, welche Apps ihr häufig benutzt und könnte so den „Selten bis nie“-Apps vorschreiben, dass diese seltener . Zum Akkusparen nutzte ich lediglich Snapdragon BatteryGuru von Qualcomm und fuhr. CPU power, consuming data in excess, or draining your battery.
Snapdragon BatteryGuru is a battery life saver app that extends battery performance and improves overall user experience by intelligently making changes that . Logiquement, Snapdragon Battery Guru a été conçu par Qualcomm et ne concerne que les smartphones disposant de puces Snapdragon. Qualcomm has seemingly out of nowhere released Snapdragon BatteryGuru, an app to help users with devices that have Snapdragon .
Snapdragon BatteryGuru é um aplicativo pequeno e inteligente criado para melhorar o tempo de vida da sua bateria de dispositivos que utilizam o processador . Nach einer kurzen Einführungsphase von – Tagen analysiert Snapdragon BatteryGuru das Nutzerverhalten und teilt dem Nutzer anschließend mit, dass die . Here’s a look at Snapdragon BatteryGuru app for Android. Been running with BatteryGuru for a few weeks now and am getting very excellent. I’m definitely not a heavy duty phone user, but for my . Thankfully, Qualcomm is looking to help owners of Snapdragon-powered smartphones get just a bit more out of their device’s battery with the new Snapdragon . Description : Snapdragon BatteryGuru can extend battery life by intelligently making changes that help optimize device . Download Snapdragon BatteryGuru to get optimized battery life on your android phone for free.
Der Snapdragon BatteryGuru von Qualcomm soll euch helfen, die Akkulaufzeit eures Smartphones zu verbessern. Snapdragon BatteryGuru does a great job of analyzing Snapdragon-powered phone usage and extends battery life with little effort or input from . Several smartphones now come with built-in software to optimize battery life. For those that don’t, Qualcomm released Snapdragon BatteryGuru . Snapdragon Battery Guru is admittedly an app hawked by Qualcomm, but considering a majority of flagship devices in the U. Android İşletim Sistemine sahip cihazlarda kullanabileceğiniz SnapDragon BatteryGuru Uygulaması ile 50’ye varan Batarya Tasarrufu sağlayabilirsiniz.